Free Shipping Over £50


efairgo FAQ

The shipping cost is £5.99 for orders less than £50, we offer free shipping for orders ≥£50.

We will use Royal Mail or Hermes to ship to the UK,, and we will choose the appropriate shipping method according to different regions.

No,all our orders do not charge tax.

When you place an order with efairgo we will have to process the order first. Processing usually takes 2-5 business days for your order.

Shipping time varies by region/logistics, but it takes an average of 5-15 business days, excluding public holidays and weekends.

You are able to cancel your order with no penalty! You must cancel your order before it ships though. If the item is already sent please use our easy return system to get a full refund, our customer service team will help you with this.

Yes, you can. It includes changing sizes or the color of an item, removing an item, and changing your shipping address. Please contact our Customer Care Team with Email.

Please note that we can help you modify your order BEFORE shipment. Once your package shipped, we will not be able to change anything.

Tracking your order has always been so easy. Once the order has shipped, we will email your tracking number and tracking website. We are not responsible for delays caused by the customs department in your country.

If you did not receive a tracking number, you can contact our customer service. They will provide timely updates about your order status.

If you are lucky enough to earn our coupon code, you can enter the discount code on your checkout page to get the discount.

Absolutely! We are here to help you make your home beautiful! Please send us an email to and we will be happy to assist you in any way we can.

We do receive a large number of emails, If you wish to get a prompt response please attach your order number and address the problem clearly, thanks.

Unable to find satisfactory answers? Please contact us.

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